New research shows that when we're paying attention to something, that information is processed in a…
Author: Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
Get better customer service by choosing your words wisely
The next time you make a complaint to your cellphone or cable company, don't get personal.
Researchers develop new approach for better big data prediction
A new approach for analyzing big data has been developed that can drastically improve the ability…
Why we walk on our heels instead of our toes: Longer virtual limbs
While many animals walk on the balls of their feet, humans use a heel-first stride. Researchers…
New robot has a human touch
Most robots achieve grasping and tactile sensing through motorized means, which can be excessively bulky and…
Enzyme that regulates DNA repair may offer new precision treatments for breast and ovarian cancer
Researchers have identified an enzyme called UCHL3 that regulates the BRCA2 pathway, which is important for…
Silent heart attack in women
Women often neglect their own heart health during the holidays and can suffer serious health problems,…
Fasting kills cancer cells of most common type of childhood leukemia,study shows
Intermittent fasting inhibits the development and progression of the most common type of childhood leukemia, researchers…
Baby boomers on a bender: Emerging trends in alcohol binge and use disorders among older adults
Trends of self-reported past-month binge alcohol use and alcohol use disorder were examined among adults age…
A new light on stellar death
Back in 2015 when astronomers discovered an intense flare in a distant galaxy, they considered it…