Final dance of unequal black hole partners

Researchers used the Frontera supercomputer to model for the first time a black hole merger of…

Baby dinosaurs were 'little adults'

Paleontologists have described for the first time an almost complete skeleton of a juvenile Plateosaurus and…

Down Syndrome-associated gene suppresses age-related corneal clouding

Down syndrome and hypercholesterolemia mouse models suggest that the DSCR-1 gene protects against abnormal cornea vascularization…

Sugar-coated viral proteins hijack and hitch a ride out of cells

Many viruses – including coronaviruses — have protective outer layer made of proteins, fats and sugars.…

Scientists design magnets with outstanding properties

An international team has discovered a novel way to design magnets with outstanding physical properties, which…

Higher-resolution imaging of living, moving cells using plasmonic metasurfaces

Researchers have demonstrated that placing cells on a plasmonic metasurface of self-assembled gold nanoparticle can improve…

Photopharmacology: Light-gated control of the cytoskeleton

Researchers have developed photoresponsive derivatives of the anticancer drug Taxol®, which allow light-based control of cytoskeleton…

Swirl power: How gentle body movement will charge your mobile phone

Scientists have discovered a way to generate electricity from nylon – the stretchy fabric used widely…

Has the hidden matter of the universe been discovered?

Astrophysicists consider that around 40% of the ordinary matter that makes up stars, planets and galaxies…

Boeing Appoints Jinnah Hosein to New Software Engineering Leader Role

Boeing Appoints Jinnah Hosein to New Software Engineering Leader Role Click here for original…