SMC and its Partners Successfully Launch Fourth GPS III Satellite

SMC and its Partners Successfully Launch Fourth GPS III Satellite Click here for original…

Poor nutrition in school years may have created 20 cm height gap across nations

A new global analysis has assessed the height and weight of school-aged children and adolescents across…

Population dynamics and the rise of empires in Inner Asia

Researchers seek to understand the genetic, sociopolitical and cultural changes surrounding the formation of the eastern…

Global-scale animal ecology reveals behavioral changes in response to climate change

Biologists developed a data archive of animal movement studies from across the global Arctic and sub-Arctic…

Earliest example of a rapid-fire tongue found in 'weird and wonderful' extinct amphibians

Fossils of bizarre, armored amphibians known as albanerpetontids provide the oldest evidence of a slingshot-style tongue,…

COVID-19 is making tinnitus worse, new study finds

New research reveals that tinnitus, a common condition that causes the perception of noise in the…

Llama nanobodies could be a powerful weapon against COVID-19

Researchers report a new method to extract tiny but extremely powerful SARS-CoV-2 antibody fragments from llamas,…

Gene in mice controls food cravings, desire to exercise

National Institutes of Health researchers have discovered a gene in mice that controls the craving for…

Mystery molecule in bacteria is revealed to be a guard

Unusual structures in bacterial cells keep viral infection from spreading; a list of new ones could…

New research on imposter stars may improve astronomical data

Quick flashes of light reflecting from satellites and debris in Earth’s orbit are extremely common, according…