Metal-organic frameworks become flexible

Materials consisting of inorganic and organic components can combine the best of two worlds: under certain…

Researcher examines benefits of supportive communities for older adults

To find out just how well the aging-in-community strategy is working, a University of Central Florida…

Carbyne: An unusual form of carbon

Which photophysical properties does carbyne have? New research has led to a greater understanding of the…

Microbial remedies target chemical threats in the environment

Researchers explore new ways to rid the environment of co-occurring toxic chemicals, TCE and perchlorate. To…

NASA ROSES-20 Amendment 70: New Opportunity in ROSES: E.12 Space Biology

NASA ROSES-20 Amendment 70: New Opportunity in ROSES: E.12 Space Biology Click here for…

Extremely rare parasitic crustacean discovered in museum shark collection

Scientists have discovered an extremely rare species of cymothoid from the mouth of a museum specimen…

Ancient zircon minerals from Mars reveal the elusive internal structure of the red planet

Analysis of an ancient meteorite from Mars suggests that the mineral zircon may be abundant on…

The long road to dementia

Alzheimer’s disease develops over decades. It begins with a fatal chain reaction in which masses of…

Abundance of prey species is key to bird diversity in cities

A team of scientists collaborated to analyze breeding bird data gathered by citizen scientists. They found…

Study highlights sex-specific variability in mouse features

Scientists have shown that sex-specific differences in variability depend on individual physical and physiological features in…