Most dentists have experienced aggression from patients

Roughly half of US dentists experienced verbal or reputational aggression by patients in the past year,…

Microplastics in groundwater (and our drinking water) present unknown risk

Microplastics (plastics <5mm) and their negative health impacts have been studied in oceans, rivers, and even…

Ancient lake contributed to past San Andreas fault ruptures

The San Andreas fault, which runs along the western coast of North America and crosses dense…

Water On The Moon: NASA Confirms Water Molecules On Our Neighbor's Sunny Surface

The breakthrough suggests that water, vital to life on Earth, could be distributed across more parts…

Multiple Research Investigations From Northrop Grumman CRS-14 Mission Being Performed on Space Station

Multiple Research Investigations From Northrop Grumman CRS-14 Mission Being Performed on Space Station Click…

Tiny moon shadows may harbor hidden stores of ice

Tiny moon shadows may harbor hidden stores of ice Click here for original story,…

Dog training methods help researchers teach robots to learn new tricks

With a training technique commonly used to teach dogs to sit and stay, computer scientists showed…

Bridges with limb-inspired architecture can withstand earthquakes, cut repair costs

Structural damage to any of the nation’s ailing bridges can come with a hefty price of…

How cells use mechanical tension sensors to interact with their environment

In a painstaking experiment, scientists suspended a single protein filament between two microscopic beads. Their results…

Neuron-based gene expression study reveals insights on fear and its regulation

The expression of a gene called CREB in certain neurons may function as a switch to…