The American Society for Gravitational and Space Research Announces its 2020 Fellows

The American Society for Gravitational and Space Research Announces its 2020 Fellows Click here…

Hydrogen sulfide helps maintain your drive to breathe

Researchers have found that the production of hydrogen sulfide gas is necessary to breathe normally. Inhibition…

Divide and conquer :A new formula to minimize 'mathemaphobia'

Maths – it’s the subject some kids love to hate, yet despite its lack of popularity,…

Solar hydrogen: Let's consider the stability of photoelectrodes

Scientists have examined the corrosion processes of high-quality BiVO4 photoelectrodes using different state-of-the-art characterisation methods. The…

Shifts in flowering phases of plants due to reduced insect density

A research group has discovered that insects have a decisive influence on the biodiversity and flowering…

Weight-reduction surgery for severely obese adults may prevent second heart attack, death

Adults with severe obesity (BMI >35) and a prior heart attack who undergo weight-reduction surgery may…

Nearly one in three young adults in the US does not know common stroke symptoms

Nearly 30% of U.S. adults younger than 45 don’t know all five of the most common…

Robots help to answer age-old question of why fish school

A new study using biomimetic fish-like robots shows that swimming closely together offers fish hydrodynamic benefits. …

Uncertainties key to balancing flood risk and cost in elevating houses

What do you have on your 2020 Bingo Card? Wildfire, heat wave, global pandemic, or flooding?…

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 25 October 2020

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 25 October 2020 Click here for…