A coffee and catnap keep you sharp on the nightshift, study suggests

A simple coffee and a quick catnap could be the cure for staying alert on the…

Study explains multipronged SARS-CoV-2 attack and widepread COVID-19 infection

A study of a gateway receptor for SARS-CoV-2 may help explain the wide variety of symptoms…

Boeing Donates More Than $10 Million to Support Racial Equity and Social Justice Nonprofits and Programs

Boeing Donates More Than $10 Million to Support Racial Equity and Social Justice Nonprofits and Programs …

The northern quoll: An amazingly versatile survivor?

The northern quoll, one of Australia’s most adorable and endangered native carnivores, appears to be adapted…

Structural colors from cellulose-based polymers

A surface displays structural colors when light is reflected by tiny, regular structural elements in a…

Can't be away from your phone? Study finds link to higher levels of obsession-compulsion

Feelings of panic when a person is away from their smartphone could be connected to general…

Women with higher neuroticism are less physically active

A new study shows that the role of personality may vary depending on how physical activity…

Engineers uncover biomechanical effects of skin rubbing

Understanding the skin damage caused by rubbing could lead to better topical skin treatments and help…

An improved wearable, stretchable gas sensor using nanocomposites

A stretchable, wearable gas sensor for environmental sensing has been developed and tested. Click…

A surprising protein player in diabetes

A study of pancreatic beta cells has found a link between a commonly found protein, a…