Placenta can indicate how body responds to opioids during pregnancy

Scientists have discovered possible biological markers that they hope could one day help identify the presence…

U.S. political parties become extremist to get more votes

New mathematical modeling shows that U.S. political parties are becoming increasingly polarized due to their quest…

New observations of black hole devouring a star reveal rapid disk formation

When a star passes too close to a supermassive black hole, tidal forces tear it apart,…

Meteorite strikes may create unexpected form of silica

New research examining the crystal structure of the silica mineral quartz under shock compression is challenging…

Researchers unravel two mysteries of COVID-19

In one study, researchers have identified six molecules that can be used as biomarkers to predict…

Study rules out dark matter destruction as origin of extra radiation in galaxy center

Through an analysis of the Fermi data and an exhaustive series of modeling exercises, researchers were…

Tethering together type 2 diabetes drugs increases efficacy of combination therapy

Biomedical engineers have shown that the effectiveness of a two-pronged type 2 diabetes treatment increases when…

Mount Everest summit success rates double, death rate stays the same over last 30 years

A new study finds that the success rate of summiting Mount Everest has doubled in the…

How cold was the ice age? Researchers now know

Scientists have nailed down the temperature of the last ice age — the Last Glacial Maximum…

Antarctic ice shelves vulnerable to sudden meltwater-driven fracturing, says study

A new study says that many of the ice shelves ringing Antarctica could be vulnerable to…