Additional data on blood thinner efficacy for COVID-19 and insight on best possible regimens

Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers found that anticoagulation therapy was associated with improved survival among…

Key immune system protein discovered in plants

A new study has discovered the key calcium channel responsible for closing plant pores as an…

NASA ROSES-20 Amendment 49: Carbon Cycle Science Final Text and Due Dates Released

NASA ROSES-20 Amendment 49: Carbon Cycle Science Final Text and Due Dates Released Click…

FAT Increment 3 Test Verifies Capabilities for WGS Mitigation and Anti-Jam Enhancements

FAT Increment 3 Test Verifies Capabilities for WGS Mitigation and Anti-Jam Enhancements Click here…

NSPIRES Email Subscription Changes due to the BPS (formerly SLPSRA) Move to SMD from HEOMD

NSPIRES Email Subscription Changes due to the BPS (formerly SLPSRA) Move to SMD from HEOMD …

Key to fish family's land-walking abilities revealed in study of Asia's hillstream loaches

A new genetic and morphological study of South Asia’s hillstream loach (Balitoridae) family is shedding new…

New nitrogen assembly carbon catalyst has potential to transform chemical manufacturing

Scientists have discovered a metal-free carbon-based catalyst that has the potential to be much less expensive…

Current poultry food safety guidelines do not stop salmonella outbreaks

Current poultry food safety guidelines for Salmonella, the leading cause of foodborne illness outbreaks, are inadequate.…

Novel PROTAC enhances its intracellular accumulation and protein knockdown

Researchers have developed an improved type of PROTAC that has enhanced intracellular accumulation and functions, not…

Scientists take new spin on quantum research

Researchers discovered a way to further enhance quantum systems to provide soldiers with more reliable and…