Aerosols from coniferous forests no longer cool the climate as much

Emissions of greenhouse gases have a warming effect on the climate, whereas small airborne particles in…

Smoothing wrinkles in mice — without needles

In the quest for a more youthful appearance, many people slather ointments on their skin or…

Mosquito eye inspires artificial compound lens

Anyone who’s tried to swat a pesky mosquito knows how quickly the insects can evade a…

Kids in poor, urban schools learn just as much as others

Schools serving disadvantaged and minority children teach as much to their students as those serving more…

Bottom-up synthesis of crystalline 2D polymers

Scientists have succeeded in synthesizing sheet-like 2D polymers by a bottom-up process for the first time.…

Russian spaceship with UAE astronaut blasts off into space

A Russian Soyuz spaceship blasted off from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan towards the International Space…

Unravelling an alternative mechanism of airway mucosal immunity

Researchers have identified two key proteins, ASC and NLRP3, in the maintenance of the innate immune…

Decoding a new sign in chromatin maze

A research team has revealed a new fundamental mechanism by which a cell can make necessary…

New method provides better understanding of gene 'enhancers' work

Using anew method called Net-CAGE, researchers identified as many as 20,000 new enhancers in humans. They…

New synthetic polymer degradable under very mild acidic conditions

A new type of degradable synthetic polymer was prepared by Rh-catalyzed three-component polymerization of a bis(diazocarbonyl)…