Aphid-stressed pines show different secondary organic aerosol formation

Plants emit gases, called volatile organic compounds (VOCs), that enter the atmosphere, where they can interact…

Water Detected on an Exoplanet in Its Star's Habitable Zone

Water Detected on an Exoplanet in Its Star’s Habitable Zone Click here for original…

Deworming programs for soil-transmitted helminths

Should global government and philanthropic aid be invested in large public health deworming programs in low-…

It's all a blur…..why stripes hide moving prey

Scientists have shown that patterns — particularly stripes which are easy to spot when an animal…

Burying beetle larvae know the best time to beg for food

It’s easy to imagine an adult bird standing over youngsters with mouths open wide for a…

Increasing number of adolescents receive depression diagnosis

The proportion of young people in Finland diagnosed with depression in specialized services is increasing, showed…

Universal code in our brains for what we find beautiful

A network in the human brain involved in inner thoughts and self-referential mental processing may contain…

'Planting water' is possible — against aridity and droughts

Scientists have developed a mathematical model that can reflect the complex interplays between vegetation, soil and…

How much photovoltaics (PV) would be needed to power the world sustainably?

The International Energy Agency has dubbed increased global cooling demand as one of the most critical…

AI neural network detects heart failure from single heartbeat

Researchers have developed a neural network approach that can accurately identify congestive heart failure with 100%…