Chairwoman Johnson’s Reaction to Reported Threats by Commerce Secretary to Fire NOAA Officials Following Hurricane Tweets

Chairwoman Johnson’s Reaction to Reported Threats by Commerce Secretary to Fire NOAA Officials Following Hurricane Tweets …

Precious metal flecks could be catalyst for better cancer therapies

Tiny extracts of a precious metal used widely in industry could play a vital role in…

Future of portable electronics — Novel organic semiconductor with exciting properties

Organic semiconductors have advantages over inorganic semiconductors in several areas. However, there are only a few…

Nitrogen explosions created craters on Saturn moon Titan

Lakes of liquid methane on the surface of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, were likely formed by…

Animal model proteins important in study of human disease

Little is known about the proteins and cellular pathways that lead to the formation of the…

Numerical simulations probe mechanisms behind sand dune formation

After noticing how the construction of dams significantly alter the hydrodynamics of natural rivers and the…

Software companies follow the skills and move where the staff are

Software companies are more likely to base their operations in locations where skilled potential recruits already…

Making biopsies less invasive and more informative

A team of researchers has developed a novel technology that could sensitively and accurately detect and…

Survey shows many primary care doctors are unprepared to help patients avoid diabetes

Researchers say their survey of 1,000 randomly selected PCPs revealed significant gaps in the group’s overall…

Major fortress-settlement in Armenian Highlands excavated

A team of researchers unearthed huge storage jars, animal bones and fortress walls from 3,000 years…