Better food and faster analysis of blood tests

Researchers have figured out how to use deep learning to speed up the analysis of gas…

Enriched environment in aquaculture enhances the survival of fish from bacterial disease

A new study has revealed that enriched rearing of juvenile fish significantly enhances the survival of…

Data assimilation method offers improved hurricane forecasting

Operational models for severe weather forecasting predicted Hurricane Harvey would become a Category 1 hurricane in…

How buildings can cut 80% of their carbon emissions by 2050

Energy use in buildings — from heating and cooling your home to keeping the lights on…

Predictability of parent interaction positively influences child's development

Scientists have investigated the impact of the predictability of parent interaction on a child’s development. The…

Genetic study implicates humans in demise of prehistoric cave bear

Genetic research that reconstructed the past population dynamics of the cave bear, a prominent prehistoric denizen…

Memo from NASA HEOMD AA Ken Bowersox To NASA HEOMD Staff Regarding CASIS/ISS National Lab Changes

Memo from NASA HEOMD AA Ken Bowersox To NASA HEOMD Staff Regarding CASIS/ISS National Lab Changes …

Letter From NASA JSC to CASIS Board Of Directors Regarding Cooperative Agreement No. NNH11CD70A/80JSC018M0005

Letter From NASA JSC to CASIS Board Of Directors Regarding Cooperative Agreement No. NNH11CD70A/80JSC018M0005 …

Altered behavior and brain activity among people wearing bike helmets

A bike helmet suggests safety — even if the wearer is not sitting on a bike…

Monkey malaria breakthrough offers possible cure for relapsing malaria

A breakthrough in monkey malaria research could help scientists diagnose and treat a relapsing form of…