Finding natural gas leaks more quickly and at lower cost could reduce methane emissions. Ten promising…
Category: News
'Asexual' Chagas parasite found to sexually reproduce
The parasite that causes Chagas disease, which had largely been thought to be asexual, has been…
Existing drug could treat aggressive brain cancer
A research team has found that a compound molecule used for drug delivery of insulin could…
Do animals control earth's oxygen level?
Do animals control earth’s oxygen level? Click here for original story, Do animals control…
Microorganisms reduce methane release from the ocean
Microorganisms reduce methane release from the ocean Click here for original story, Microorganisms reduce…
Nitrogen explosions created craters on Saturn moon Titan
Nitrogen explosions created craters on Saturn moon Titan Click here for original story, Nitrogen…
Near misses at Large Hadron Collider shed light on the onset of gluon-dominated protons
Near misses at Large Hadron Collider shed light on the onset of gluon-dominated protons …
NASA: Opportunity to Host Citizen Science workshop
NASA: Opportunity to Host Citizen Science workshop Click here for original story, NASA: Opportunity…
Deepwater horizon oil buried in gulf coast beaches could take decades to biodegrade
Golf ball-size clods of weathered crude oil originating from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon catastrophe could remain…
How babies absorb calcium could be key to treating osteoporosis in seniors
New research reveals the mechanism that allows breastfeeding babies to absorb large amounts of calcium and…