What the vibrant pigments of bird feathers can teach us about how evolution works

Biologists show that evolution is driven by dependency on other species within ecological communities – testing…

Time-restricted eating shows benefits for blood glucose

By restricting the time period during which they could eat, researchers have seen promising results for…

Cleaner, cheaper ammonia: Cheaper fertilizer

Ammonia — a colorless gas essential for things like fertilizer — can be made by a…

A breakthrough in the study of laser/plasma interactions

A new 3-D particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation tool developed by researchers from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and…

Immense Pacific coral reef survey shows green sea turtle populations increasing

Densities of endangered green turtles are increasing in Pacific coral reefs, according to the first comprehensive…

Veritable powerhouses—even without DNA

Whether human beings or animals, plants or algae: the cells of most life forms contain special…

Modern analysis of ancient hearths reveals Neanderthal settlement patterns

Ancient fire remains provide evidence of Neanderthal group mobility and settlement patterns and indicate specific occupation…

Human settlements in Amazonia much older than previously thought

Humans settled in southwestern Amazonia and even experimented with agriculture much earlier than previously thought, according…

Minerals in mountain rivers tell the story of landslide activity upstream

Researchers from the University of Helsinki and the University of Tübingen have come up with a…

Relativity’s 3D Printed Terran 1 Rocket to Launch mu Space’s Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite

Relativity today announced a partnership with mu Space, the innovative Thai satellite and space technology company,…