Carbon dioxide from Silicon Valley affects the chemistry of Monterey Bay

Elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide in air flowing out to sea from Silicon Valley and the…

A global database of women scientists is diversifying the face of science

Underrepresentation of women scientists in the public sphere perpetuates the stereotype of the white male scientist…

New sensor detects rare metals used in smartphones

A more efficient and cost-effective way to detect lanthanides, the rare earth metals used in smartphones…

Experiences of 'ultimate reality' or 'God' confer lasting benefits to mental health

In a survey of thousands of people who reported having experienced personal encounters with God, researchers…

New way to 'see' objects accelerates the future of self-driving cars

Researchers have discovered a simple, cost-effective, and accurate new method for equipping self-driving cars with the…

NASA Community Announcement: ROSES Funding for Citizen Science

NASA Community Announcement: ROSES Funding for Citizen Science Click here for original story, NASA Community Announcement:…

Scientists create international database of women scientists

A database of women scientists that was created a year ago by a team led by…

Researchers see health effects across generations from popular weed killer

Researchers have found a variety of diseases and other health problems in the second- and third-generation…

Scratching the skin primes the gut for allergic reactions to food, mouse study suggests

Scratching the skin triggers a series of immune responses culminating in an increased number of activated…

When designing clinical trials for Huntington's disease, first ask the experts

Progress in understanding the genetic mutation responsible for Huntington’s disease (HD) and at least some molecular…