The buzz about bumble bees isn't good

While many scientists are focused on the decline of honey bees, relatively few study bumble bees.…

Quantum gas turns supersolid

Researchers report on the observation of supersolid behavior in dipolar quantum gases of erbium and dysprosium.…

How light triggers brain activity

Optogenetics uses light to control brain processes. It is based on light-controlled proteins such as channelrhodopsin-2,…

How lifestyle affects our genes

In the past decade, knowledge of how lifestyle affects our genes, a research field called epigenetics,…

'Marsquake': first tremor detected on Red Planet

Scientists said Tuesday they might have detected the first known seismic tremor on Mars in a…

The buzz about bumble bees isn't good

While many scientists are focused on the decline of honey bees, relatively few study bumble bees.…

New diagnostic tool developed for global menace Xylella fastidiosa increases specificity

The bacterium Xylella fastidiosa is notable for having a wide host range, with the ability to…

New study compiles Gulf of Maine seasonal wildlife timing shifts

Many researchers and amateur naturalists keep track of dates for the first robin of spring, the…

NASA catches formation of Tropical Cyclone Kenneth near Aldabra

Visible satellite imagery from NASA’s Aqua satellite revealed the formation of Tropical Storm Kenneth in the…

Meet B. fragilis, a bacterium that moves into your gut and evolves to make itself at home

MIT researchers have analyzed population genomics and metagenomics to investigate the microbiome evolution of Bacteroides fragilis,…