NASA to Host Open Source Summit in California

NASA will host a summit about open source software development on March 29-30 at the agency's…

NASA’s Spaceward Bound Goes to the Deserts of the United Arab Emirates

Whether or not you remember the winter of 2011 as unusually cold or snowy, an adventurous…

Mission Manager Update, March 8, 2011

Kepler and Its First 1,235 Candidates

NASA Develops Microscope for Space Station

NASA began testing a new multi-capability microscope this week on the International Space Station.

NASA Studies the Body’s Ability to Fight Infection

Why do some people get sick while others stay healthy?

Young Minds Reach for the Stars at Science Festival

More than 1,200 young students and their parents had a unique opportunity to experience science in…

Space Shuttle, Station Sighting Opportunity March 8

Weather permitting, San Francisco Bay Area residents will have a good opportunity to see space shuttle…

NASA Nanosatellite Celebrates 100 Days In Space Studying Life

More than one hundred days ago, on Nov. 19, 2010, NASA sent a small satellite about…

NASA Launches 2011 Technology Space Competition

A do-it-yourself technology space competition developed in collaboration with NASA's Emerging Commercial Space Office (ECSO) kicked…

NASA Deputy Administrator visited NASA’s Ames Research Center on Feb. 22, 2011 as part of a whirlwind tour of NASA’s West Coast centers.

NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver visited NASA's Ames Research Center on Feb. 22, 2011 as part…