NASA Machine Learning Air Traffic Software Saves Fuel

NASA Machine Learning Air Traffic Software Saves Fuel Click here for original story, NASA…

President Biden Lands at NASA Ames, Tours California Storm Damage

President Joe Biden landed aboard Air Force One at Moffett Federal Airfield Thursday, near NASA’s Ames…

What is the Chemistry and Mineralogy Instrument?

An instrument aboard the Mars Curiosity Rover that analyzes powdered rock samples to study the role…

Acting Associate Center Director for Research and Technology – Jay Bookbinder

Dr. Jay Bookbinder – Acting Associate Center Director for Research and Technology, NASA’s Ames Research Center…

NASA Sets Table for Safe Air Taxi Flights

Tabletop exercises allow researchers to explore options and test scenarios in fields from military strategy and…

First Deep Space Biology Experiment Begins, Follow Along in Real-Time

BioSentinel is one million miles away from Earth, orbiting the Sun. NASA invites the public to…

Advanced Air Mobility Makes Travel More Accessible

Imagine requesting an air taxi by app, like you do now with Uber or Lyft, to…

2022 in Review: Highlights from NASA in Silicon Valley

With 2023 on the horizon, join us as we look back at the highlights of 2022…

NASA’s Lunar Flashlight Has Launched – Follow the Mission in Real Time

NASA’s Eyes on the Solar System web-based visualization tool lets you “see” the SmallSat as it…

Winning NASA Technologies Land Spacecraft, Share Agency Innovations

Winning NASA Technologies Land Spacecraft, Share Agency Innovations Click here for original story, Winning…