Climate crisis: Greenland's ice faces melting 'death sentence'

The massive ice sheet covering Greenland may have melted by a record amount this year, scientists…

Will a woman set foot on the Moon soon?

Nasa’s Artemis mission plans to send the first woman and the next man to the Moon. …

Anak Krakatau: Volcano's tsunami trigger was 'relatively small'

The tsunami hazard from volcanoes that collapse into the sea may have been underestimated as a…

Battle of Worcester artefacts unearthed for first time

It is the first time physical evidence of the 1651 Battle of Worcester has been discovered. …

What is sustainable palm oil?

Can the palm oil industry improve its impact on the environment? Click here for…

'Women starting their careers find it very, very daunting'

Only a third of scientists are women but Nobel Laureate Elizabeth Blackburn wants young women to…

Wild geese change routes to cope with climate change

Migratory patterns have changed in the last 25 years according to a new study by Scots…

'Mission Jurassic' fossil dinosaur dig closes for winter

Three full truck loads of dinosaur fossils ship out as scientists end their excavation season. …

Climate change 'has affected a third of UK bird species'

The number of cuckoos plummets but buzzards soar in warmer weather, ornithologists say. Click…

Where whales are back on the menu

After 33 years, Japanese fishermen are once again carrying out commercial whaling. Click here…