Experts cast doubt over Highlands spaceport plan

Concerns have been raised over the suitability of a site in Sutherland aiming to become the…

Hedgehog sign warns drivers of small wildlife hazards

It aims to protect drivers from accident hazards and reverse a decline in small wildlife numbers. …

The family-of-four living off grid

Two former vets from Essex and their children are showing others how it is possible to…

Saving sharks: One woman's mission to protect the hammerhead

Marine biologist Ilena Zanella vowed to save the shark after diving with them off Costa Rica. …

Using DNA to tailor medicine

Technology is making it possible to tailor treatments to ever smaller groups of patients. …

Climate Change: Why are thousands of species facing extinction?

The Earth’s biodiversity is decreasing at a faster rate than ever before. Why is this happening? …

A bridge made of grass

The annual remaking of the last remaining Inca rope bridge at Q’eswachaka in Peru. …

'Cryoegg' to explore under Greenland Ice Sheet

UK sensors placed under the Greenland Ice Sheet will monitor how its glaciers slide towards the…

Plastic pollution: Bangor divers cleaning up the seabed

A group of divers are taking beach clean ups to the next level by diving for…

Largest world stock of animal-killing virus destroyed by UK lab

Scientists destroy final UK laboratory samples of rinderpest, the disease that wiped out most of the…