UK Parliament declares climate change emergency

The Welsh and Scottish governments have also declared an emergency – along with dozens of towns…

Denisovans: Primitive humans lived at high altitudes

Scientists find evidence an ancient human species called a Denisovan lived at high altitudes in Tibet. …

Scientists find cocaine in shrimps in Suffolk rivers

Researchers collected samples from rivers in Suffolk and found the drug when testing for chemicals. …

Heathrow campaigners lose challenge against third runway

High Court judges rule in favour of the government’s decision to approve airport expansion plans. …

Some common concerns about electric cars explained.

4 common concerns about electric cars explained. Click here for original story, Some common…

Leuser rainforest: The elephant men of Bener Meriah

A group of locals are the only thing preventing human-elephant conflict in a deforested area of…

Leuser rainforest: Baby orangutans rescued from Indonesia's pet trade

As Indonesian orangutans come into closer contact with humans, they are at increasing risk of capture. …

Michael Gove 'shares high ideals' of climate protesters

The environment secretary agrees with some of Extinction Rebellion’s demands, but says there are “open questions”…

Extinction Rebellion: Activists say meeting with Michael Gove 'disappointing'

Extinction Rebellion says the environment secretary refused declare a climate emergency. Click here for…

Signs of faster melting in world's largest ice shelf

Part of the world’s largest ice shelf is melting 10 times faster than the rest, shedding…