Pluto has an underground ocean kept warm by a layer of gassy ice

Pluto may harbour an ocean that’s kept liquid by an extra layer of gas molecules trapped…

China's rover peeks under the crust of the far side of the moon

China’s Yutu 2 rover on the far side of the moon has found material from deep…

We need to rediscover the wonder of space exploration to save Earth

Going into space invites us to consider our position as the dominant species on a fragile…

Working hypothesis: From deepfake Dali to black toothpaste

Our regular column sorting the week’s supernovae from the absolute zeros Click here for…

Selfish motives must not imperil the new space age

As Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Donald Trump rush to return people to space, we need…

Inside the new space race: Who’ll be the first back to the moon?

Nations from the US to China and companies such as Elon Musk’s SpaceX are vying to…

Elon Musk's SpaceX or a superpower: Who'll win the new space race?

Nations from the US to China and companies such as Elon Musk’s SpaceX are vying to…

NASA to get an extra $1.6 billion to put the first woman on the moon

NASA’s mission to get humans, including the first woman, to the moon again in 2024 has…

Apollo-era moonquakes suggest lunar colonies must be shake-proof

Seismometers deployed by Apollo astronauts on the moon measured 28 moonquakes, which have now been linked…

Titan’s seas may be coated in organic goop that stops waves forming

Saturn’s moon Titan has liquid methane seas that are remarkably calm, which may be because a…