From the archives: How do you get astronauts back from space?

50 years ago, the Apollo missions were gearing up to put a human on the moon…

The race to build a space internet available to anyone, anywhere

Tech billionaires are building a wireless, orbiting internet accessible in even the deepest jungle. The first…

LIGO may have just spotted a black hole devouring a neutron star

In a cosmic clash of the titans, we may have just spotted a black hole eat…

First exomoon might not actually exist as astronomers reach stalemate

What appeared to be the first moon ever discovered around planet circling another star may not…

Battle of the exomoon: Astronomers can't agree on controversial find

What appeared to be the first moon ever discovered around a planet circling another star may…

Wonky black hole spotted rapidly eating a doughnut made from a star

Black holes normally emit jets of material from their poles, but astronomers have spotted one with…

Titan has a belt of ice 6300 kilometres long that shouldn't be there

The surface of Saturn’s moon Titan is mostly coated in a thick layer of sediment, but…

The moon may be made of magma that once covered Earth’s entire surface

The moon’s makeup is extremely similar to Earth’s – perhaps because a huge rock smashed into…

Tomorrow Inc: how Stanley Kubrick designed the future

Stanley Kubrick: The Exhibition comes to London’s Design Museum, and in its wake a renewed fascination…

Japan's Hayabusa 2 bombed an asteroid and took pictures of the crater

New images captured by Japan’s Hayabusa 2 confirm that the spacecraft successfully blew a hole in…