NASA’s InSight lander on Mars has felt its first marsquakes

Measuring seismic activity on Mars could help us figure out how much water the planet has,…

SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule lost after 'anomaly' during ground test

The Crew Dragon capsule is intended to ferry astronauts to the International Space Station, but a…

Satellites are checking if boats in remote places are fishing legally

The Indonesian government is using tiny internet-providing satellites to check if boats in the middle of…

Zero-gravity robot cleaner could automatically sterilise the ISS

Cleaning the International Space Station is laborious work, so hygiene firm GermFalcon has made a drone…

An interstellar rock may have hit Earth in 2014 but nobody noticed

In 2017 astronomers spotted the first interstellar object in our solar system, ‘Oumuamua, but our planet…

We’ve found the first type of molecule to form after the big bang

The first atoms fused into molecules about 400,000 years after the big bang, and now we’ve…

Black hole breakthrough: a lot done, much more to do

The first direct image of a black hole is another triumph for Einstein’s general relativity –…

Our nearest neighbour Proxima Centauri may host a second exoplanet

Proxima Centauri is the closest star to the solar system, and it may be home to…

Saturn’s moon Titan has an alien lake district that looks like Earth

NASA’s Cassini spacecraft used radar data to scan the surface of Saturn’s moon Titan, helping us…

There is water just under the surface of the moon that we could use

When there’s a meteor shower on the moon, the impacts cause puffs of water, which means…