Astronomers have found two unexpectedly hot stars covered in ash

An unusual pair of stars may have been formed in a rare type of stellar merger…

SpaceX is planning its highest Dragon flight yet with a private crew

Billionaire Jared Isaacman, who flew to orbit aboard a SpaceX craft in September 2021, has purchased…

James Webb Space Telescope just sent back its first image – of itself

NASA engineers working to align the 18 hexagonal mirrors of the James Webb Space Telescope have…

Huge nuclear explosion in space is so rare we may never see one again

Astronomers say a “hyperburst” nuclear explosion within a neutron star could explain its strange behaviour –…

First hints of a planet orbiting in a white dwarf’s habitable zone

Astronomers have found 65 evenly spaced rocks orbiting a white dwarf star in its habitable zone,…

Tiny exoplanet Proxima d is third spotted in nearest star system to us

A star system just 4.2 light years away called Proxima Centauri is already known to contain…

Moonfall review: Finally an apocalypse movie that’s fun to watch

Moonfall is a disaster movie that starts slow, but when it gets going it is packed…

Biggest comet from outer solar system ever seen is 137 kilometres wide

Astronomers have calculated the size of a ‘mega comet’ originating in the Oort Cloud, a cluster…

First truly isolated black hole detected in interstellar space

Rogue black holes are usually detected by the matter falling into them, but the first truly…

Mars may have been habitable millions of years later than we thought

Analysis of minerals in a Martian meteorite suggest that the planet may have begun to be…