Moons might not form around rocky planets much larger than Earth

Astronomers have found lots of exoplanets but not much evidence of exomoons, and a new model…

We may now know why Uranus and Neptune are different shades of blue

Uranus is pale blue in colour while Neptune is a deeper shade of blue, and an…

Don’t Look Up: Could we save Earth from a comet in just six months?

Astrophysicists calculate that we could use nuclear devices to stop a “planet killer” from colliding with…

Bacteria survive extremes that may have existed in ancient Mars lakes

Microorganisms have adapted to one of the harshest environments on Earth, a sulphurous and acidic lake…

Strange gravitational wave echoes may let us probe dark matter

When gravitational waves pass over massive objects, they should create an echo that could allow us…

Rare intergalactic supernova may have been seen outside the Milky Way

A ring-shaped object 160,000 light years away may be the first intergalactic supernova remnant ever observed …

How to spot the Double Cluster and the Carina Nebula this week

There’s something for everyone in this week’s stargazing guide, as Abigail Beall picks out celestial treats…

A strange object in space is blasting out radio waves every 18 minutes

Something extraordinarily bright in space is pulsing far slower than most similar cosmic objects, and it…

The James Webb Space Telescope has arrived at its final destination

After a month of travelling through space, the James Webb Space Telescope has reached its parking…

Mars 'lake' may actually be volcanic rocks buried beneath the ice cap

Radar images of Mars’s southern ice cap indicated that there could be a lake there –…