STS-134 MCC Status Report #19

The International Space Station’s Canadarm2 is closer to having a new base of operation, giving it…

STS-134 MCC Status Report #20

The International Space Station and space shuttle Endeavour crews continue with a variety of activities today.…

STS-134 Space Shuttle Mission Audio And Video Available Online

NASA has broadcast-quality audio and video clips from the ongoing STS-134 space shuttle and other missions…

NASA Sets News Conference With Shuttle And Space Station Crews

The nine crew members aboard space shuttle Endeavour and the International Space Station will hold a…

NASA Scientists on the Trail of Mystery Molecules

Space scientists working to solve one cosmic mystery at NASA's Ames Research Center now have the…

NASA-Funded Researcher Wins Prestigious Biology Award

This year’s recipient of the prestigious Darwin-Wallace Medal is James A. Lake, professor of molecular, cell,…

NASA and Hawaii Partner for Space Exploration

NASA and Hawaii have agreed to collaborate on a wide range of activities to promote America's…

Crew Prepares for Third Spacewalk

The Endeavour crew and Expedition 28 crew woke at 7:56 p.m. EDT to the song “Real…

Spacewalkers Prepare for Third Excursion

STS-134 Mission Specialists Drew Feustel and Mike Fincke will conduct the third spacewalk of the mission…

Spacewalk Preparations for STS-134 Crew

Mission Specialists Drew Feustel and Mike Fincke are reviewing procedures for the mission’s third spacewalk with…