NASA and Alliant Techsystems Inc. [ATK] will conduct the first full-scale, full-duration test of the new…
Category: NASA
Indiana Astronaut to Fly on Next Space Shuttle Mission
NASA astronaut Kevin Ford, who was born in Portland, Ind., and considers Montpelier, Ind., his hometown,…
Meteorite Found On Mars Yields Clues About Planet’s Past
NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity is investigating a metallic meteorite the size of a large watermelon that…
Research for the Future
The U.S. Air Force's F-16D Automatic Collision Avoidance Technology (ACAT) aircraft takes off from Edwards Air…
NASA and International Space University Hold Moon Panel
A panel of robotics engineers, lunar scientists and spacecraft flight directors will gather at NASA's Ames…
Successful Countdown Practice Highlights Week
The astronauts of space shuttle Discovery, along with the launch and mission control teams in Florida…
Crew Winding Up Busy Training Week at Kennedy
With a dress rehearsal countdown behind them, the astronauts of STS-128 will survey the payload bay…
Practice Countdown Under Way
The seven astronauts who will board Discovery in a few weeks to ride into space are…