Hospitals at greater risk of flooding as the climate changes need better evacuation plans

With hospitals under strain from COVID-19, we need to safeguard them against another threat set to…

Here's why misinformation is a smaller problem than you think

It’s widely believed that this is the age of misinformation, of alternative facts, and of conspiracy…

Scientists uncover how the shape of melting ice depends on water temperature

A team of mathematicians and physicists has discovered how ice formations are shaped by external forces,…

Birds of a feather: India's raptor-rescuing brothers

Nursed back from near death, a skittish vulture flaps its wings and returns to the grey…

Scientists identify geological 'Goldilocks zone' for the formation of metal ore deposits

Scientists have identified a mechanism through which important metals, crucial to the manufacturing of renewable energy…

Study explores how temperate rainforests can aid the fight against climate change

There is global recognition that woodland expansion could be one of the most effective solutions in…

Landmark research shows increase in online sex blackmailing during pandemic

During the pandemic men were twice as likely as women to fall victim to online extortionists…

Start ups bringing Pakistan's farming into digital age

Agriculture entrepreneurs are bringing the digital age to Pakistan’s farmers, helping them plan crops better and…

Magical but messy: Rome scares off its starlings

As the sun sets over central Rome, five figures in white overalls move under the trees.…

Weather, cleanup keep oil slick away from Thai resort island

Favorable wind and sea conditions kept an oil slick away from beaches in eastern Thailand on…