Tonga eruption is one for the record books

The recent violent volcanic eruption on the Pacific island nation of Tonga is believed to be…

High-speed internet led to a decline in civic and political engagement, research shows

The likelihood of people participating in community work declined as high-speed internet was rolled out in…

Missing 'key' could overcome drug discovery barrier

Scientists have found a missing ‘key’ that unlocks critical channels responsible for potassium ions to flow…

Video: Are there oceans on other worlds?

Are there oceans on other worlds? Yes! Earth is not alone. When you look deeper into…

National identity predicts support for public health measures during coronavirus pandemic

Identification with one’s nation predicts both greater engagement with public health behaviors, such as masking and…

More than 800 deaths may have been avoided due to air quality improvements during the first lockdown phase in Europe

Strict COVID-19 lockdown policies such as workplace closures in European cities reduced levels of air pollution…

Urban greening 'not a panacea' for dealing with extreme weather, study finds

Urban greening is unlikely to provide a single fix for tackling extreme weather events brought on…

Meet Methuselah, the oldest living aquarium fish

Meet Methuselah, the fish that likes to eat fresh figs, get belly rubs and is believed…

US plans more wild horse roundups this year than ever before

The U.S. government plans to capture more wild horses on federal lands this year than ever…

Report: Ghostly monkey among 224 new Mekong region species

A monkey with ghostly white circles around its eyes is among 224 new species listed in…