Physicist solves century old problem of radiation reaction

A Lancaster physicist has proposed a radical solution to the question of how a charged particle,…

Confirming liquid water beneath Martian south polar cap

A Southwest Research Institute scientist measured the properties of ice-brine mixtures as cold as -145 degrees…

Where legal, voting by those in prison is rare, study shows

The voting rights of people with felony convictions is a controversial issue across many U.S. states—not…

Lead lurking in your soil? New Chicago project maps distribution

Lead exposure in early childhood can have lifelong consequences, including brain damage, developmental delays, and learning and…

'Lefty' protein tightens control of embryonic development

A protein known as Lefty pumps the brakes as human embryos begin to differentiate into the…

A molecular framework to bridge experimental and computer sciences for peptide-based materials engineering

Researchers in the Stephenson School of Biomedical Engineering, Gallogly College of Engineering, at the University of…

Southern Ocean storms cause outgassing of carbon dioxide

Storms over the waters around Antarctica drive an outgassing of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, according…

Forward-thinking gym lifts weights, shifts attitudes

A gym in Boston, Massachusetts, with an inventive vocational path that prepares students to work as…

Sediments a likely culprit in spread of deadly disease on Florida coral reefs, study finds

A new study found that seafloor sediments have the potential to transmit a deadly pathogen to…

97% of Latin America's e-waste is improperly managed and includes an annual $1.7 billion in recoverable materials

Electronic waste in 13 Latin American countries rose by 49% between 2010 and 2019, roughly the…