Real shooting stars exist, but they aren't the streaks you see in a clear night sky

“I see thy glory like a shooting star.” Click here for original story, Real…

Heat rectification via suspended asymmetric graphene nanomesh

It is one of the humans’ desired goals that we want to precisely control the heat…

Cystic fibrosis drugs can be 'life-changing' for patients: New images reveal how the molecules work

A mutated protein causes the genetic disease cystic fibrosis. Now, researchers have solved the structure of…

The largest suite of cosmic simulations for AI training, free to download, already spurring discoveries

Totaling 4,233 universe simulations, millions of galaxies and 350 terabytes of data, a new release from…

Visualizing intracellular nanostructures of living cells using nanoendoscopy-AFM

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) offers a method for label-free imaging of nanoscale biomolecular dynamics to solve…

Image: Hubble sees cosmic clues in a galactic duo

This spectacular image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope captures the spiral galaxy NGC 105, which…

Archaeological dig reveals participants in California's Gold Rush dined on salted Atlantic cod

It turns out San Francisco has been a destination for lovers of imported delicacies since its…

COVID fallout hit farmers hard, and they need better mental health support

A farmer’s lot is not an easy one. A difficult and demanding way of life, farming…

Evidence that smaller fish dominated during last interglacial period

An international team of researchers reports evidence that a warmer ocean leads to decreases in fish…

Even bushbabies get stressed: How we know, and what it means

Many South Africans will be familiar with bushbabies—or, at least, with their distinctive call. The small…