New year's mission to start new phase of exoplanet research

A mission to one of the coldest and most remote places on earth will enable a…

Penny wise and pound foolish? NYC budget needs to consider the interconnectedness of the city's infrastructure

It has been four months since rain from Hurricane Ida flooded the streets and homes of…

Clearing the air: Decarbonization technologies take a giant step forward

Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels today are higher than at any point in the past 800,000 years…

Leaf at first sight: How leaf-curling spiders pair up and build a family home

Have you recently spotted a spider peeking out from a brown, curled-up leaf in your garden? …

An optical chip improved by light

Technology is increasingly moving towards miniaturization and energy efficiency. This also applies to electronic chips. Light,…

Graphene could replace rare metal used in mobile phone screens

Researchers from Paragraf and Queen Mary University of London demonstrated the successful fabrication of an Organic…

Updated exascale system for Earth simulations

The Earth—with its myriad interactions of atmosphere, oceans, land and ice components—presents an extraordinarily complex system…

Using Squid Game to teach economics

First year business and economics students all over the world may soon be using Netflix’s global…

Organizational cultures are ripe for change when the familiar starts to seem odd

Imagine having never seen a handshake. Click here for original story, Organizational cultures are…

New route to the synthesis of P-chiral compounds

Chiral phosphines are one of the most commonly used ligands in assymetric metal catalysis for the…