Are casinos making the right bet when it comes to slots?

With slot machines producing the bulk of profits in most of the world’s casinos, gaming managers…

Bacterial infections in sinuses of cystic fibrosis patients share surprising similarities

A collaboration among microbiologists, clinicians and experts on bacterial evolution revealed that, with time, highly adapted…

NIST pH standard reference materials supports one of manufacturing's most measured properties

NIST has released a pH reference material in a uniquely stable form for calibrating the instruments…

Simulation illustrates how COVID-19 social distancing creates pedestrian 'traffic jams'

Along with the use of face masks, social distancing in public remains one of the most…

COVID-19 vaccination strategies: When is one dose better than two?

In many parts of the world, the supply of COVID-19 vaccines continues to lag behind the…

Targeted interventions to contain pandemics, minimize societal disruption

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to more than 218 million infections and over 4.5 million deaths…

Amount of information in visible universe quantified

Researchers have long suspected a connection between information and the physical universe, with various paradoxes and…

How climate change affects animal behavior

Humans are shaping environments at an accelerating rate. Indeed, one of the most important current topics…

New report reveals hidden complexities of uplift for Universal Credit claimants

A new report released today shows that the cut in benefit caused by the withdrawal of…

Road impacts on ecosystems in sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa is developing rapidly. With growing economies and increased trade, major road infrastructure plans have…