Russia blames space station lab incident on software failure

A Russian space official on Friday blamed a software problem on a newly docked science lab…

Chromosome positioning during sperm differentiation described

Chromosomes occupy specific regions of the cell nucleus called chromosome territories. In somatic cells, scientists have…

New research finds gay and bisexual men still earn less

A new study has found that gay and bisexual men are still earning less than heterosexual…

Weather during mountain race tragedy was predicted, but its impact was not

On May 22, about 170 ultramarathon racers were climbing an eight kilometer stretch of sand and…

New study unveils novel technology for plasma separation using magnets

A team of researchers, affiliated with UNIST has recently unveiled a hemolysis-free and highly efficient blood…

Vanderbilt engineer the first to introduce low-power dynamic manipulation of single nanoscale quantum objects

Led by Justus Ndukaife, assistant professor of electrical engineering, Vanderbilt researchers are the first to introduce…

South Dakota producers reap rewards of cover crops

The longer farmers use cover crops, the more likely they are to see the benefits and…

Olympic sports making slow progress on environmental sustainability, study finds

Most International Federations in this summer’s Olympics are taking minimal if any action at all on…

Researchers find fat burning molecule in mice

Linked to serious health problems including cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, obesity affects more than a…

Caterpillars borrow weapons from viruses in battle against parasitic wasps

Exactly how the caterpillars are winning this tiny evolutionary arms race is the subject of an…