Magnetic material breaks super-fast switching record

Researchers at CRANN (The Centre for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices), and the School of…

Research confirms trawl ban substantially increases the abundance of marine organisms

Biodiversity is of crucial importance to the marine ecosystem. The prohibition of trawling activities in the…

Searching for the supersymmetric bottom quark (and its friends)

When it comes to quarks, those of the third generation (the top and bottom) are certainly…

Burning natural gas is now more dangerous than coal in Illinois, study shows

Pollution from natural gas is now responsible for more deaths and greater health costs than coal…

Study offers earliest evidence of humans changing ecosystems with fire

Mastery of fire has given humans dominance over the natural world. A Yale-led study provides the…

Strange isotopes: Scientists explain a methane isotope paradox of the seafloor

Methane, a chemical compound with the molecular formula CH4, is not only a powerful greenhouse gas,…

Greater access to birth control leads to higher graduation rates

When access to free and low-cost birth control goes up, the percentage of young women who…

Adolescents who are relatively older than their classmates are more popular

A survey study of adolescents in Europe suggests that students who are older relative to their…

MIT turns 'magic' material into versatile electronic devices

In a feat worthy of a laboratory conceived by J.K. Rowling, MIT researchers and colleagues have…

From yeast to hypha: How Candida albicans makes the switch

You might call Candida albicans a shape-shifter: As this fungus grows, it can multiply as single,…