Newly identified saber-toothed cat is one of largest in history

A giant saber-toothed cat lived in North America between 5 million and 9 million years ago,…

COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs increased among users of conservative and social media

Belief in conspiracies about the COVID-19 pandemic increased through the early months of the U.S. outbreak…

Flatfish got weird fast due to evolutionary cascade

Ever look at a flatfish like a flounder or sole, with two eyes on one side…

Will your future clothes be made of algae?

Living materials, which are made by housing biological cells within a non-living matrix, have gained popularity…

When will your elevator arrive? Two physicists do the math

The human world is, increasingly, an urban one—and that means elevators. Hong Kong, the hometown of…

The level of satisfaction with life in Spain is marked by household financial capacity

In recent decades, Spain has undergone rapid social changes in terms of gender equality, despite, as…

Earthquake, tsunami hazards from subduction zones might be higher than current estimates

Two of the most destructive forces of nature—earthquakes and tsunamis—might actually be more of a threat…

GM grass cleanses soil of toxic pollutants left by military explosives, new study shows

A grass commonly used to fight soil erosion has been genetically modified to successfully remove toxic…

Cell atlas of stony corals is boost for coral reef conservation efforts

Researchers at the University of Haifa, the Weizmann Institute and the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG)…

Mating with relatives? Not a big deal in nature

We usually assume that inbreeding is bad and should be avoided under all circumstances. But new…