Researcher uses geology to help astronomers find habitable planets

Astronomers have identified more than 4,000, and counting, confirmed exoplanets—planets orbiting stars other than the sun—but…

Wine that went to space for sale with $1 million price tag

The wine is out of this world. The price is appropriately stratospheric. Click here…

Researchers: Climate pledges see world closing on Paris goal

Recent pledges by the United States and other nations could help cap global warming at 2…

Juvenile incarceration has mixed effects on future convictions

Harsh prison sentences for juvenile crimes do not reduce the probability of conviction for violent crimes…

Researchers develop new graphite-based sensor technology for wearable medical devices

Researchers at AMBER, the SFI Centre for Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research, and from Trinity’s School…

Researchers create new lunar map to help guide future exploration missions

A new map including rover paths of the Schrödinger basin, a geologically important area of the…

Many Australian frogs don't tolerate human impacts on the environment

A UNSW and Australian Museum study using data from a citizen science project finds 70 percent…

Genome sequencing reveals how salmonella carves out a niche in pork production

Variants of concern (VOCs) and variants of interest (VOIs) have become familiar terms due to the…

Study places new constraints on the time variation of gravitational constant G

Past physics theories introduced several fundamental constants, including Newton’s constant G, which quantifies the strength of…

Experts develop artificial intelligence to monitor water quality more effectively

Artificial intelligence that enhances remote monitoring of water bodies—highlighting quality shifts due to climate change or…