A revolutionary approach to increasing crop yield in rice

A group of scientists led by Drs Toshinori Kinoshita and Maoxing Zhang (Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules,Nagoya…

A deadly fungus is killing frogs, but the bacteria on their skin could protect them

Researchers in Costa Rica have found that some bacteria on the skin of amphibians prevent growth…

On the dot: Novel quantum sensor provides new approach to early diagnosis via imaging

Oxygen is essential for human life, but within the body, certain biological environmental conditions can transform…

Mailing it in: Getting the word out on getting the ballots in

The coronavirus pandemic forced states across the nation to transform the way their residents voted in…

What impact does Airbnb have on local housing prices and rents?

According to new research, the presence of an Airbnb property can actually contribute to an increase…

Soil bacteria hormone discovery provides fertile ground for new antibiotics

The discovery of how hormone-like molecules turn on antibiotic production in soil bacteria could unlock the…

From rust to riches: Computing goes green—or is that brown?

Current silicon-based computing technology is energy-inefficient. Information and communications technology is projected to use over 20%…

The Arctic Ocean was covered by a shelf ice and filled with freshwater

The Arctic Ocean was covered by up to 900-meter-thick shelf ice and was filled entirely with…

Traces of antidepressants and painkillers found in crustaceans

Researchers from SINTEF, the Norwegian Polar Institute and the University Centre in Svalbard have collected samples…

Flower diversity may mitigate insecticide effects on wild bees

A higher diversity of flowering plants increases the breeding success of wild bees and may help…