Breast cancer-on-a-chip for testing immunotherapy drugs

There are many mechanisms by which the body responds to foreign invaders. One of these involves…

Beyond qubits: Team takes next big step to scale up quantum computing

Scientists and engineers at the University of Sydney and Microsoft Corporation have opened the next chapter…

Big name corporations more likely to commit fraud

Fortune 500 firms with strong growth profiles are more susceptible to ‘cooking the books’ than smaller,…

Highly deformable piezoelectric nanotruss for tactile electronics

With the importance of non-contact environments growing due to COVID-19, tactile electronic devices using haptic technology…

A new way to make wood transparent, stronger and lighter than glass

A team of researchers at the University of Maryland, has found a new way to make…

New book outlines how cities organize to achieve sustainability initiatives

Cities across the United States are implementing sustainability measures as a central part of their work,…

Cyanobacteria could revolutionize the plastic industry

Cyanobacteria produce plastic naturally as a by-product of photosynthesis—and they do it in a sustainable and…

How food banks help Americans who have trouble getting enough to eat

Food banks, nonprofits that collect and distribute food to hunger relief organizations, have played an essential…

Native bees under threat from growing urbanization

Residential gardens are a poor substitute for native bushland and increasing urbanization is a growing threat…

The secrets of 3000 galaxies laid bare

The complex mechanics determining how galaxies spin, grow, cluster and die have been revealed following the…