As climate warms, summer monsoons to produce less streamflow

In the summer of 2019, Desert Research Institute (DRI) scientist Rosemary Carroll, Ph.D., waited for the…

Say goodbye to the dots and dashes to enhance optical storage media

Purdue University innovators have created technology aimed at replacing Morse code with colored “digital characters” to…

Traffic noise makes mating crickets less picky

A new study shows that the mating behaviour of crickets is significantly affected by traffic noise…

Astronomers spot bizarre, never-before-seen activity from one of the strongest magnets in the universe

Astronomers from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery (OzGrav) and CSIRO have just…

US billionaire buys SpaceX flight to orbit with 3 others

A U.S. billionaire who made a fortune in tech and fighter jets is buying an entire…

Southern France set to sizzle due to climate change

That dream house in southern France that so many fantasise about is going to become uncomfortably…

Arctic shrubs add new piece to ecological puzzle

A 15-year experiment on Arctic shrubs in Greenland lends new understanding to an enduring ecological puzzle:…

Lactobacillus manipulates bile acids to create favorable gut environment

New research from North Carolina State University reveals that probiotic Lactobacillus bacteria use enzymes situationally to…

Marine organisms use previously undiscovered receptors to detect, respond to light

Just as plants and animals on land are keenly attuned to the hours of sunlight in…

Newly discovered trait helps plants grow deeper roots in dry, compacted soils

A previously unknown root trait allows some cereal plants to grow deeper roots capable of punching…