Lion cub Simba born in Singapore via artificial insemination

The Singapore Zoo has welcomed a lion cub named Simba to its animal kingdom following artificial…

How did Florida fail to respond to a coral disease epizootic and what's to follow?

By 2020, massive losses of large populations of corals have been observed throughout Florida and into…

Study sheds new light on the behaviour of the giant carnivorous dinosaur Spinosaurus

New research from Queen Mary University of London and the University of Maryland, has reignited the…

Inequality in medieval Cambridge was 'recorded on the bones' of its residents

Social inequality was “recorded on the bones” of Cambridge’s medieval residents, according to a new study…

Gorilla treated with antibodies recovering from COVID, says US zoo

An elderly gorilla was recovering from a serious case of COVID-19 after he was treated with…

Storm threatens Midwest with heavy snow, travel disruptions

A major winter storm is threatening to blanket parts of the middle of the country with…

Simulating 800,000 years of California earthquake history to pinpoint risks

Massive earthquakes are, fortunately, rare events. But that scarcity of information blinds us in some ways…

Wetter weather affects composition, numbers of tiny estuarial phytoplankton

Research from North Carolina State University shows that extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and increased…

Biologists unravel full sequence of DNA repair mechanism

Every living organism has DNA, and every living organism engages in DNA replication, the process by…

Biologists show for the first time that mosses have a mechanism to protect them against cold

A team led by plant biologists at the Universities of Freiburg and Göttingen in Germany has…