How salmonella uses a metabolite to reprogram the Krebs cycle to promote its own survival

A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in Israel has discovered the means by which…

Regulating the ribosomal RNA production line

The enzyme that makes RNA from a DNA template is altered to slow the production of…

Researchers modify hybrid flow battery electrodes with nanomaterials

Researchers in WMG at the University of Warwick, in collaboration with Imperial College London, have found…

What is karst, and why should we care about it?

Fauna & Flora International (FFI) has made a habit of bucking the trend by working to…

Single atoms as a catalyst

For years, the metal nanoparticles used in catalysts have been getting smaller and smaller. Now, a…

Degradable sugar-based polymers may store and release useful molecular freight

Degradable, bio-based polymers offer options for chemical recycling, and they can be a tool to store…

Using the unpredictable nature of quantum mechanics to generate truly random numbers

A team of researchers from the U.K., Germany and Russia has used the unpredictable nature of…

Iodine thruster could slow space junk accumulation

For the first time ever, a telecommunications satellite has used an iodine propellant to change its…

Observing chiral edge states in gapped nanomechanical graphene

Edge states are an emerging concept in physics and have been explored as an efficient strategy…

New research demonstrates how the best camouflage can be found for an arbitrary environment

A new method, developed by scientists at the University of Bristol can determine the optimal colouration…