Hydrogels with fine-toothed molecular combs may make enduring glucose-monitoring implants

In a new study, published online in the journal American Chemical Society (ACS) Applied Polymer Materials,…

Religious discrimination particularly high for Jews and Muslims, study shows

Although people of all faiths report growing religious discrimination during the past few years, the phenomenon…

Researcher adds to timeline of human evolution by studying an island fox

Nearly two decades ago, a small-bodied “human-like” fossil, Homo floresiensis, was discovered on an island in…

Symbiotic relationship between California oaks and mutualist fungi appears to provide a buffer for climate change

“Happy families are all alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” So goes…

Nebraska anglers are creatures of habit

Fishing behavior of Nebraska anglers may be more predictable than previously thought, says a new paper…

New study helps pinpoint when earth's plate subduction began

A new study from scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego and the…

High-precision measurements of the strong interaction between stable and unstable particles

The positively charged protons in atomic nuclei should actually repel each other, and yet even heavy…

The dynamics of nitrogen-based fertilizers in the root zone

Nutrient contamination of groundwater as a result of nitrogen-based fertilizers is a problem in many places…

Birth date for the 'roof of the world' recalibrated

As the ‘roof of the world,’ the Third Pole centered on the Tibetan Plateau can be…

'Rambo root' could help with climate action, peace building, and environmental issues

In an article published in Conservation Science and Practice, scientists highlight an overlooked but science-backed and…