There is at least 10 times more plastic in the Atlantic than previously thought

The mass of ‘invisible’ microplastics found in the upper waters of the Atlantic Ocean is approximately…

Trace vapor generator for detecting explosives, narcotics

Trace vapor detection technologies are crucial for ensuring reliable and safe detection of explosives and illegal…

Humid air can extend lifetime of virus-laden aerosol droplets

The novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is thought to spread through natural respiratory activities, such as…

100 cool worlds found near the Sun

How complete is our census of the Sun’s closest neighbors? Astronomers and a team of data-sleuthing…

Researchers discover novel molecular mechanism that enables conifers to adapt to winter

In boreal forest during late winter, freezing temperatures are typical but at the same time the…

Insect wings inspire new ways to fight superbugs

Scientists have revealed how nanomaterials inspired by insect wings are able to destroy bacteria on contact. …

Airing commercials after political ads actually helps sell nonpolitical products

About $7 billion reportedly will be spent this fall on television and digital commercials from political…

A new design for flow batteries

In 2020, China plans to launch the largest battery complex in the world with a capacity…

New findings on SARS-CoV-2 protein shed light on virus's ability to infect cells

At the start of a COVID-19 infection, the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 docks onto human cells using the…

Shigella prevents infected cells from sacrificing themselves for the greater good

Enteric pathogens, such as the bacterium Shigella, can cause severe intestinal disease with bloody diarrhea. In…