Effects from low-level concentrations of harmful chemicals preserved in three generations of fish

Fish exposed to very low levels of chemicals commonly found in waterways can pass the impacts…

Plug-and-play lens simplifies adaptive optics for microscopy

Researchers have developed a new plug-and-play device that can add adaptive optics correction to commercial optical…

Rogue's gallery of dusty star systems reveals exoplanet nurseries

Astronomers this month released the largest collection of sharp, detailed images of debris disks around young…

Adirondack boreal peatlands near southern range limit likely threatened by warmer climate

A study published in the journal Wetlands documents an invasion happening in the Adirondacks: the black…

Study examines media coverage of protests worldwide

As anti-racism solidarity protests continue around the world, new research suggests mainstream media have a tendency…

Entry point for curbing the evolution of antibiotic resistance discovered

The team of Professor Tobias Bollenbach from the Institute for Biological Physics at the University of…

Study suggests light environment modifications could maximize productivity

The crops we grow in the field often form dense canopies with many overlapping leaves, such…

Research suggests a better way to keep birds from hitting power lines

Suspended, rotating devices known as “flappers” may be the key to fewer birds flying into power…

Increased warming in latest generation of climate models likely caused by clouds

As scientists work to determine why some of the latest climate models suggest the future could…

Scientists identify the mechanism that regulates mitochondrial energy production

Scientists at the Centro Nacional de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CNIC) have identified the molecular mechanism by which…