The Black Lives Matter protests motivated people to vote in 2016. Will the protests this year do the same?

The Black Lives Matter movement and protests of police violence played a major role in the…

War on drugs causes aggressive policing, says expert

The war on drugs has provided police with cover for aggressive tactics and unnecessary encounters with…

How reforms could target police racism and brutality—and build trust

In the turbulent days since the police killing of George Floyd in Minnesota, Jack Glaser has…

Image: The foam-coarsening experiment on the ISS

The foam-coarsening experiment ran a new batch of cartridges in the Fluid Sciences Laboratory of the…

Ancient enzymes can contribute to greener chemistry

A research team at Uppsala University has resurrected several-billion-year-old enzymes and reprogrammed them to catalyze completely…

Young workers can thrive after coronavirus layoffs by leaving big cities

Workers under age 30 have been the first to lose their jobs or be placed on…

Astronomers capture rare cosmic 'Jekyll and Hyde' behaviour in double star system 19,000 light-years away

The strange behavior of a duo of stars in a dense cluster called Terzan 5 located…

Deep sea reefs may provide refuge for Aussie marine life in a warming world

A new study by researchers at The University of Western Australia has found deep reefs in…

Flexible work beyond the pandemic

Flexible work has always been a drawcard for employees, but while managers have typically been reluctant…

A cheap, flexible and recyclable alternative to indium tin oxide in electrodes

Australian researchers have demonstrated the strong potential for a new type of flexible, recyclable electrodes to…