2020 'Dead Zone' may remain four times larger than the goal established in 2001

A recent forecast of the size of the “Dead Zone” in the northern Gulf of Mexico…

Uproar as Uganda pursues plan to dam waterfall in national park

The boat edged as close as possible to the deafening surge of water roaring over Murchison…

Wayward whale that swam 400km upriver to Montreal found dead

A young humpback whale that swam up one of Canada’s major rivers, delighting Montrealers who packed…

Endangered Mexican wolves welcome 7 pups at Albuquerque zoo

Two endangered Mexican gray wolves housed at the Albuquerque zoo are the proud parents of seven…

Study provides new explanation for neutrino anomalies in Antarctica

A new research paper co-authored by a Virginia Tech assistant professor of physics provides a new…

Ancient micrometeoroids carried specks of stardust, water to asteroid 4 Vesta

The formation of our solar system was a messy affair. Most of the material that existed…

Black hole's heart still beating

The first confirmed heartbeat of a supermassive black hole is still going strong more than ten…

Human eggs prefer some men's sperm over others, research shows

Human eggs use chemical signals to attract sperm. New research from Stockholm University and Manchester University…

Simple way of 'listening' to chicks could dramatically improve welfare

A simple and low-cost method of ‘listening’ to chicks may allow welfare issues to be picked…

Late blight research pairs spectroscopy with classic plant pathology diagnostics

Kaitlin (Katie) Gold is an assistant professor within the Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology section of…