Researchers study a novel type of extracellular vesicles

Researchers from Sechenov University and the University of Pittsburgh compared the properties of two groups of…

We caught bacteria from the most pristine air on earth to help solve a climate modeling mystery

The Southern Ocean is a vast band of open water that encircles the entire planet between…

Human activity on rivers outpaces, compounds effects of climate change

The livelihoods of millions of people living along the world’s biggest river systems are under threat…

Python skin jackets and elephant leather boots: How wealthy Western nations help drive the global wildlife trade

Three-quarters of new and emerging infectious diseases in humans originate in wildlife. COVID-19, SARS and Ebola…

COVID-19 shutdowns will give wildlife only short-term relief from climate change

There had to be a silver lining to the nearly universal lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic.…

Flight trials for greener aviation set for take off

Commercial flight trials that use satellite-enabled communications to reduce the environmental impact of flying are scheduled…

Researchers pioneer new production method for heterostructure devices

Researchers at the University of Exeter have developed a pioneering production method for heterostructure devices, based…

Smart farms of the future: Making bioenergy crops more environmentally friendly

Farmers have enough worries—between bad weather, rising costs, and shifting market demands—without having to stress about…

Skyrmion dynamics and traverse mobility

Skyrmions could revolutionise computing exhibiting great potential in the electronic storage of information, and the key…

Drones enable the first detailed mapping of the High Plateaus Basin in the Moroccan Atlas

The Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH) has led a paper just published…